Homework difference between the UK and Kazakhstan

27 04 2011

At this stage I will talk about the distinctions of homework in the UK and my home country. First of all, our countries have absolutely different education systems. Therefore, it means that the way of teaching in our countries completely differs. Turning to homework, for example in Kazakhstan we have a different estimate system: 5 mark, whereas in theUKfrom “A” to “U “or in percentages. Also, when I was studying in Kazakhstanwe received homework every day and we were allowed to do our homework at the classroom. Furthermore, we didn’t write so many essays for homework as in the UK.
Generally, as a whole we received more homework on engineering sciences because I have been studying in physical and mathematical school.
Overall, it is possible to say that despite the fact of differences in home works, to solve them and pass before the deadline, you need to put enough effort into your work.



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